The House of Yeap Chor Ee

The House of Yeap Chor Ee was originally the home of this Grand Old Man, now is being turned into a museum and managed by his descendants


The House of Yeap Chor Ee was originally the home of this Grand Old Man, now is being turned into a museum and managed by his descendants. Apart from showcasing the collection of delicate antiques, this museum also tells the courtesy, generosity, humility and integrety of Yeap’s life as well as the tough lives that the immigrants were leading in audio form.

For the whole journey when you visits the House of Yeap Chor Ee, there is nobody guiding you except for the audio guide. There are numbers shown in each gallery and you need to press the corresponding number in audio guide to listen to the explanation.

We starts our visiting from the highest (3rd) floor where you can find various antique collections. The most eye-catching one is the Golden Sleeping Buddha. You can find quite a number of well-maintained cheongsams which belonged to Yeap Chor Ee’s wifes.

Then moving down to the gallery showcasing Yeap Chor Ee’s chronological life in Penang. He was an immigrant from Nam Aun, China. At the age 16 in 1885, he immigrated to Penang and started his career as a barber. After working for 5 years, he started a small provision shop, Chop Ban Hin Lee where he sold goods on consignment from a British importing house before Java’s Sugar King. In 1890s, Yeap Chor Ee ventured into banking sector when he set up Ban Hin Lee Bank, which was the predecessor of CIMB Bank. In his later years, Chor Ee turned to philanthropy with a particular interest in education. DISTED colleges and Wawasan Open University are some of the institution supported by Yeap’s family. He also established several charitable trusts just before his death in 1952 when his age was 82.

Opening Hour 
Monday-Friday 10am-6pm
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays