Masjid Kuala Perlis

Masjid Kuala Perlis or also known as Masjid Al-Hussain is situated next to the Kuala Perlis Jetty. Being one of the most beautiful mosque in Malaysia, its structure extends over the Straits of Malacca. Known with many names, it is also called the “Floating Mosque”.


Masjid Kuala Perlis or also known as Masjid Al-Hussain is situated next to the Kuala Perlis Jetty. Being one of the most beautiful mosque in Malaysia, its structure extends over the Straits of Malacca. Known with many names, it is also called the “Floating Mosque”.

A 50-metre bridge connects the land to the mosque's main prayer hall that stands above the water. When the timing of the tide and light is just right, it lends a magical feeling that the mosque is actually floating on its own reflection in the water.

Another unique feature of this mosque is that it is adorned with corals, quartz, granites, marbles and pebbles instead of paint. Its golden-yellow and blue dome is made from two layers of aluminum with a layer of polyvinyl Dene difluoride to protect its surface.

 Its twin minarets are the first hexagonal minarets in the world. They come alive at night with a variety of colors which can be seen as far as 10 kilometres away. The colours each mean different prayer times.

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