Cape Rachado Lighthouse

The Cape Rachado Lighthouse or known as Tanjung Tuan in Bahasa Malaysia is a lighthouse in the district of Alor Gajah in Melaka. It is believed to be the oldest lighthouse in Malaysia.


The Cape Rachado Lighthouse or known as Tanjung Tuan in Bahasa Malaysia is a lighthouse in the district of Alor Gajah in Melaka. It is believed to be the oldest lighthouse in Malaysia.  Lighthouses’ two main purposes are to serve as a navigational aid and as a dangerous warning area to boats. They are still very useful and symbolic until now.

Built in 1863 under the British occupancy, the lighthouse used to guide trading ships through the narrow Straits of Malacca. It stands 24-metre high with a circular tower and an adjoining double storey keeper’s house at the base. In 1990, an additional tower was built to house a MEASAT radar.

The area near Tanjung Tuan is also rich with diverse population of flora and fauna. Hence, the Melaka Forest Department has gazette it as a permanent forest reserve – Cape Rachado Permanent Forest Reserve.

The forest reserve offers a special ground for hiking and serves as a favourite spot for bird watching enthusiasts. It is an ideal location for migratory birds and raptors. Some of the raptors species include the Black baza, Grey-Faced buzzard, Chinese goshawk and Peregrine falcon.

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