Bank Kerapu
Bank Kerapu building was occupied by the Japanese forces during WW2. The Japanese forces used the building as their ‘Kempai Tai', a secret war police headquarters. The building continued to function as a bank after WW2.
Situated in Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Bank Kerapu is one of the many historical buildings that still exists till today. It has withstood the test of time.
Bank Kerapu was built in 1912 by the Mercantile Bank of India. The land where Bank Kerapu is sited belonged to Nik Yusof, a renowned local chieftain. The building was occupied by the Japanese forces during WW2. The Japanese forces used the building as their ‘Kempai Tai', a secret war police headquarters. The building continued to function as a bank after WW2.
The government then converted it into a WW2 Memorial or also known as the Kelantan War Museum. The museum showcases artefacts, photographs and militaria items related to WW2. Part of the exhibits include inscriptions on a stone (batu bersurat).
Bank Kerapu's building was the first stone structure built in Kelantan. It was the first bank in Kelantan. The bank was popularly known to the locals as Bank Kerapu because part of its wall was made of cement and small pebbles, which gave it a rough and uneven surface.