World No Tobacco Day
The World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 31 to inform the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.
World No Tobacco Day
What is a cigarette and what are the chemicals released from cigarette smoke?
A cigarette is a thin cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking. A cigarette is lit on one end and smoked, and the smoke is usually inhaled into the lungs. Other substances or rather chemicals are added for flavor and to make smoking more pleasant.
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Some of the chemical compounds found in cigarette smoke consist of the following: - benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, nicotine, tar, naphthalene, carbon monoxide, ketones and toluene.
All these are toxic substances which is dangerous to the human body. Ammonia is a common household cleaning agent, benzene is found in gasoline and it’s creepy to note that formaldehyde is used as an embalming fluid. What is worse is tar is used to make roads and toluene is a substance used to manufacture paint.
Smoking facts
- Smoking is expensive
- Smoking is addictive
- On average, smoking will cut 10 years from your life expectancy
- Is the number one cause of lung cancer in the world
- Worldwide, around 10 million cigarettes are purchased per minute, 15 billion are sold per day, and about of six trillion are produced and used every year
- There are 1.3 billion smokers in the world today and tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year
- 2 million deaths are the result of secondhand smoke
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Despite all the hard but true facts, why do people smoke and still do?
When someone starts to smoke, it’s hard to quit because smoking is addictive. Other reasons are due to influences from the media, peer pressure, temptation and wanting to fit in. Some people smoke to relieve stress and some people think smoking is “cool” and “in trend”.
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The purpose of World No Tobacco Day
The World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 31 to inform the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations. The World No Tobacco Day was first introduced in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes.
The fact that smoking kills is not new information but this special day provides the opportunity to remind people just how dangerous smoking can be and the use of tobacco. So, do go ahead and send FaveKad World No Tobacco Day ecards to the people you care about. A little reminder might go a long way. One ecard might be the one little thing that can change someone’s mind. One ecard might be all it takes.
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