The word “Sorry” means the feeling or expression of pity, sympathy, remorse, grief or regret especially because something unpleasant has happened or has been done.
The word “Sorry” means the feeling or expression of pity, sympathy, remorse, grief or regret especially because something unpleasant has happened or has been done.
The act of saying you are sorry refers to an apology. It is a sign of consideration or compassion for another person. An apology is something we could all use positively sometimes.
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Relationships are always a work in progress. All relationships have disagreements and conflicts from time to time.
Be prepared to say sorry if it is our fault. Sometimes apologizing for a fault may feel difficult and embarrassing for some people but this one simple word will remedy the mistake quickly and help repair and improve relationships with others.
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Apologies sometimes show our vulnerability because we do not know how the other person will respond – will they accept our apology or will they not?
However, apologies are also a gift to the apologizer. A genuine apology bolsters self-respect and self-worth because it’s a sign of maturity. We are owning the part of the interaction where we were they one who made the mistakes. If the other party is open enough to hear us, then we would have already earned their respect.
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A good apology always communicates regret and responsibility.
Do visit FaveKad today if you are looking for sincere Sorry ecards to send to someone you would like to communicate your apologies to.
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