Laylat al-Baraat
Laylat al-Baraat or Nisfu Syaaban occurs in the middle of the month of Sha’ban, the month before the holy month of Ramadan. It is regarded as a night when the fortunes of individuals for the coming year are decided and when Allah SWT may forgive sinners.
Laylat al-Baraat or Nisfu Syaaban occurs in the middle of the month of Sha’ban, the month before the holy month of Ramadan. It is regarded as a night when the fortunes of individuals for the coming year are decided and when Allah SWT may forgive sinners.
In many regions, this is also a night when prayers are arranged for forgiveness from Allah SWT for one's deceased ancestors. Therefore, Laylat al-Baraat is an important day for Muslims to seek forgiveness and repentance.
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The speciality of Laylat al-Baraat or Nisfu Syaaban is often similarly compared to Lailatul-Qadr in Ramadan. On the night between 14 and 15 Sha'ban, Muslims believe that Allah SWT writes the destiny of men and women for the coming year: whether an individual will live or die, find hardship or fortune, and whether he will be eligible to make the pilgrimage to Hajj.
On the evening of Nisfu Sya'ban, it's a common practice for Muslims to recite the Surah Yasin after the Maghrib prayers, followed by special doa or prayers.
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As religious customs dictate, a recital of surah yaasin was held after the Maghrib prayer, led by the Imam. The surah yaasin was read three times simultaneously, which included its different reasons and asked for different benefits. This was then followed with a 'doa nisfu sya'aban'.
The first reading of the surah yaasin was conducted to ask for longevity to enable the faithful to further commit or 'beribadat' to Allah the Al-Mighty. Second was to ask for good fortune or 'rezeki halal' and the last was to strengthen one's faith towards Allah SWT and to hope that one would pass away by staying true to the faith.
The surah yaasin was recited after the Maghrib prayers as the Hijrah date will changed at the time that the Maghrib prayer is called.
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Many Islamic scholars have revered this night as the night of forgiveness and fortune. Muslims would stay up all night to offer voluntary prayers and dzikir as a way to seek forgiveness for any past sins on the Night of Bara’ah.
The following day on 15 Syaaban, Muslims would often fast for the day. It is hoped that all the prayers in this night will be accepted by God. Prayer itself is an ‘Ibadah, and God may reward each prayer along with the fulfilment of the supplicator’s need.
Moreover, it’s a great month to practice the Sunnah. The Prophet PBUH was believed to have fasted voluntarily during Syaaban more than any other months. Fasting in this month is seen as a way to prepare for Ramadan as Muslims will be used to fasting in Ramadan. Hence, you’ll keep your acts of worship consistent as the holy month approaches.