International Women’s Day
March 8 is specially dedicated to the women around the world as International Women’s Day. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It also marks the plight and achievements of women as well as a call to action for accelerating gender equality.
March 8 is specially dedicated to the women around the world as International Women’s Day. The first Women's Day celebration was celebrated more than a century ago in New York but has recently become popular in many countries.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It also marks the plight and achievements of women as well as a call to action for accelerating gender equality.
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Being a woman in today’s world is not a piece of cake. They have to juggle multiple roles as daughters, wives, mothers, workers and members of society. Though tough, but hey, they make it work because women are strong and wonderful.
Did you know that women tend to outlive men? This male-female lifespan gap is not something new. Experts believe that biology and behavior have something to do with it.
The female hormones of estrogen play a vital role of maintaining healthy cell functions and prevents the DNA damage that leads to disease.
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Also the robust body of a mother is important for the survival of an offspring as it has evolved to withstand and bounce back from the physical trauma of pregnancy and childbirth - challenges to which a male body is not exposed to. Hence as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. And for women, that strength may translate to a longer, healthier life.
One of the best experience of being a woman is the journey. The journey of being someone’s daughter and to be able to give back the joy and blessings to the parents. The journey of motherhood and being able to witness the milestones achieved and watch their children grow up. The joy of being able to contribute as a valuable employee to an organization and workforce. And the joy of being able to serve the community and society.
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So to all the superwoman mothers, loving wives, hardworking female employees, caring, devoted daughters and the rest of the beautiful female souls…... “Girl Power” to you and have a Fabulous Happy International Women’s Day!!