The word “Hello” is simple yet carries straight to the point meaning. It is usually used as a very common form of greeting especially when we meet someone or the very first word used to start a conversation. “Hello” is also the word used to answer a telephone call or to begin a phone conversation.
“Hello” might be derived from an older spelling variant, hullo, which the American Merriam-Webster dictionary describes as a "chiefly British variant of hello", and which was originally used as an exclamation to call attention or an expression of surprise.
“Hello” was also used as early as in 1826 in publications work and extensively used in literature since 1860s.
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Today, this word of “Hello” is simple yet carries straight to the point meaning. It is usually used as a very common form of greeting especially when we meet someone or the very first word used to start a conversation.
“Hello” is also the word used to answer a telephone call or to begin a phone conversation.
“Hello” is equivalent to “Hi” and “Hey” as friendly greetings. Just a smile and simple “Hello” can light up anyone’s day.
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Would you like to ask “How are you” to a long, missed friend or just because you would like to say “Hi” out of the blue. All this is possible and better yet, its free, easy and fast.
Send this ecard to your loved ones and friends
FaveKad has in store for you a wide selection of “Hello” ecards. All at a click of a button. Sending an ecard is a thoughtful yet sophisticated way to communicate and enhance relationship ties. It shows that you care because you took the time to select a specific card and customize it for that special people in your lives with many choices of fonts and stamps.
So hurry, just hit below links and say your lovely “Hellos”. One card is all it takes to make someone’s day!