April Fools’ Day
April Fools’ Day falls on the first day of April and is also known as All Fools’ Day. Other names for April Fools’ Day include April Noddy Day, Gowkie Day, Huntigowk Day and St. All-Fool’s Morn. This is a good day to play tricks, pranks and practical jokes on unsuspecting people. The victims of the jokes are called April fools and people who play April fool jokes expose their prank by shouting April Fool.
Laughter is the best medicine – and it is the perfect antidote when life pulls us down sometimes. April 1st is just round the corner. What better day to turn a frown into a laugh!
April Fools’ Day falls on the first day of April and is also known as All Fools’ Day. Other names for April Fools’ Day include April Noddy Day, Gowkie Day, Huntigowk Day and St. All-Fool’s Morn. This is a good day to play tricks, pranks and practical jokes on unsuspecting people. The victims of the jokes are called April fools and people who play April fool jokes expose their prank by shouting April Fool.
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Although theories of this day are plenty, but the true origins remain a mystery. April Fools’ Day has the similarities to Hilaria, an ancient Roman springtime festival and Holi, a Hindu spring festival.
There are also several theories about the origin of April Fool’s Day custom. One of them focuses on the introduction of Julian and Gregorian calendars. In ancient times, people celebrated the New Year on or around the March Equinox. The Julian and Gregorian calendars define January 1 as the New Year Day. People who forgot about the change and observed the old rules became victims of various jokes.
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These pranks included having paper fish placed on their backs and being referred to as poisson d’avril (April fish), meaning a young, “easily hooked” fish and a gullible person.
Today, April Fools’ Day tricks have evolved into simple but yet mischievous pranks such as; telling you friends their shoelaces are undone or using a tiny tape or sticker to cover the sensor of the TV remote control so that they can’t change channels, even with new batteries!
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How about gluing eyes on everything you can find in the fridge to have them staring right back at someone when they open the door? And not forgetting the classic dirty diaper prank; by smearing a diaper with either some peanut butter or chocolate and calling your friend to observe the horror as you taste the diaper.
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Or perhaps you are thinking of a subtler April Fools’ Day, come check out FaveKad’s April Fools’ Day ecards and send some “pranks” to your loved ones and friends. Happy April Fools’ Day y’all!