Showing 1 to 14 from 14 results (Page 1)


Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year. In Thai culture, it is the time for those who celebrat...

Cheng Beng

Cheng Beng

Cheng Beng falls on April 5 every year. In Mandarin, it is called Qing Ming. They are the Chinese...

Penang Food: 26 Must Eat Dishes to Start your Food Hunt

Penang Food: 26 Must Eat Dishes to Start your Food Hunt

Penang food is world famous, but with all there is on offer, are you sure you know what to eat wh...

More Malay youths picking up Mandarin as third language

More Malay youths picking up Mandarin as third language

The popularity of Mandarin classes is rising among Malaysians, including those without Chinese he...

test by roshan

test by roshan

short description

Festivals of Malaysia - Trinity Sunday

Festivals of Malaysia - Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday honours the Holy Trinity. It is dedicated to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the...

Festivals of Malaysia - Theemithi

Festivals of Malaysia - Theemithi

Theemithi is a fire walking ceremony.  It is a Hindu festival from Tamil Nadu, South India that i...

Festivals of Malaysia - Poson

Festivals of Malaysia - Poson

Poson Poya commemorates the arrival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the 3rd century BC.

Festivals of Malaysia - Onam

Festivals of Malaysia - Onam

Onam is a Hindu festival that originated from the state of Kerala in India. Onam marks the New Ye...

Festivals of Malaysia - Dhamma Day

Festivals of Malaysia - Dhamma Day

Dhamma Day also known as Asalha Puja, is a Theravada Buddhist festival. Observed mainly in Cambod...

Festivals of Malaysia - Assumption of Mary

Festivals of Malaysia - Assumption of Mary

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is celebrated annually on August 15. The Assumption Day comme...

Festivals of Malaysia - Abhidhamma Day

Festivals of Malaysia - Abhidhamma Day

The Abhidhamma Day is the day when Buddha returned to Earth after completing his delivery of Abhi...

Festivals of Malaysia - St. Anne’s Feast

Festivals of Malaysia - St. Anne’s Feast

St. Anne is considered a Saint because of her role as the mother of Mary, grandmother of Jesus Ch...

Festivals of Malaysia - Songkran

Festivals of Malaysia - Songkran

Songkran is the Thai New Year.  It falls on April 13 every year but the celebration lasts until A...